Here you can see a list of all subscribers of the currently edited newsletter. If there is a large amount of subscribers in the list, they can be filtered by their e-mail, name, approval status or depending on whether they are blocked or active. After clicking the icon in the header of the Actions column, a context menu is displayed, offering options for export of listed data to various types of files.
Subscribers can be added to the newsletter manually using the following links:
• Add subscribers - allows selection from a list of all subscribers in the system.
• Add users - allows selection from the users of the current site.
• Add roles - allows selection from the roles of the current site (newsletter issues will be sent to all members of the selected roles).
• Add contact group - allows selection from all on‑line marketing contact groups defined for the current site (all contacts that belong to the selected groups will be added as subscribers).
Duplicate subscriber addresses
Even though all regular newsletter subscribers need to have a unique e-mail address, it is possible to have a single address subscribed to a newsletter multiple times through users, roles or contact groups.
In these cases, the duplicate addresses are filtered out from the newsletter queue, so that each e‑mail address only receives the newsletter's issues once. |
Individual subscriptions can be managed via the following actions:
• Remove - unsubscribes the address or user from the newsletter.
• Approve - manually approves the given subscription, causing it to receive newsletter issues.
• Reject - rejected subscriptions remain in the list, but they do not receive newsletter issues. Users who subscribe to newsletters with double opt-in enabled are rejected by default until they confirm their subscription.
To apply these actions to multiple subscriptions, mark them using the check-boxes on the left choose an action from the drop-down list below and click OK.
If you check the Send e-mail confirmation to the subscriber box before performing an action, a notification e-mail will be sent to the affected users, informing them about the changes in their subscriptions. If you check the Require double opt-in box (only available if the newsletter has double opt-in enabled), added subscriptions will be inactive (rejected) until the users confirm them or the Approve () action is manually selected in the list of subscriptions.
If the Monitor bounced e-mails setting is enabled for the current site (in Site Manager -> Settings -> On-line marketing -> Newsletters), individual subscribers additionally have their corresponding amount of e-mail bounces displayed and they may be manually Blocked () or Unblocked (
) from receiving further newsletter issues. If a subscriber is unblocked, their bounce counter is reset to zero.
If you wish to manage all subscribers in the system, this can be done in CMS Desk -> Tools -> Newsletters -> Subscribers.
More resources can be found in:
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Overview
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Subscriber management
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> Double opt-in
•Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Newsletters -> On-line marketing