This tab displays a list of e-mails that have been successfully sent via the e-mail queue. You can set how long will the e-mails stay in this list through the Site Manager -> Settings -> System -> E-mails -> Archive e-mails (days) property.
You can Resend () the mail, Delete (
) it or View (
) its details. After clicking the
icon in the header of the Actions column, a context menu is displayed, offering options for export of listed data to various types of files.
There are also three links at the top of the page:
• Delete all - deletes all e-mails in the list
• Delete selected - deletes e-mails selected by the check-boxes in the list
• Refresh - refreshes the content of the list of sent e-mails
When there is a large number of e-mails in the e-mail queue, you can easily limit which e-mails will be displayed using the filter. It can be displayed by clicking the Display filter link above the e-mail list.
More resources can be found at Developer's Guide -> Modules -> E-mail queue -> Overview.