The following actions can be performed with the folders in the media library:
• New folder - creates a new folder under the currently selected folder.
• Delete - deletes the currently selected folder.
• Copy - uploads the folder and its content to another location and keeps the original folder.
• Move - uploads the folder into another location and deletes the original folder.
You can perform the following operations by clicking the icons next to particular files:
• New file - uploads a file from the local or network file system to the currently selected folder.
• Select - selects the file and opens its editing interface in the bottom section.
• View - downloads the file and opens it in your default application for the file type.
• Edit - if you click the icon next to an image, the image gets opened in the built-in image editor. If the icon is clicked next to a non-image file, the metadata editor is opened.
• Delete - deletes the file.
• Update - replaces the file with another file; the original file gets deleted and replaced by the new one.
• Import - this icon is displayed only with files that have been uploaded to the library folder externally (e.g. via FTP) and have not yet been registered in the database. By clicking the icon, you will display properties of the file. If you then click the Import button, you will finally register the file in the database.
Batch file operations
You can also perform the Copy,
Delete and
Import operations for multiple files at once. To perform a batch operation, take the following steps:
1. Use the first drop-down list to select if you want to perform the operation for:
•All files - performs the operation for all files in the current folder.
•Selected files - performs the operation only for files selected by the check-boxes ().
2. If you selected Selected files in the previous step, use the check-boxes to select the files to perform the operation with.
3. Choose the operation to perform using the second drop-down list and click OK.
4a. If you are performing the Copy or
Move operation, the following dialog is displayed. Choose the target folder (or create a new one using the
New folder button if needed) and click the
Move button.
4.b If you are performing the Delete operation, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Click OK to delete the files.
4.c If you are performing a batch Import operation, a form will appear for each imported file. Please specify the following details for each imported file:
•File name - the name of the file displayed in the administration interface.
•Title - the name of the file displayed on the live site.
•Description - the text describing the image. You can leave blank.
Click the Import file button to proceed to the following file.
You can also enable the Apply description to all files option, which imports all files in one click on the Import all files button. All files will have the entered Description and the File name and Title fields will contain the names of the physical files without extension.
Please note
Due to .NET architecture, your site will be restarted when you perform one of the following actions: •folder is deleted •folder is renamed •folder is moved •large number of files is deleted (100 by default, this can be set in the <system.web> section of your web.config by the following key: <compilation debug="true" numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart="100">)
Detailed information about the Media libraries module can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Media libraries.