Here you can see a list of all internal statuses which can be assigned to products offered in your on-line store. For example, a product you sell can thus be labeled as a New model. You will typically use this information only for your internal purposes and will not display it on the live website.
You can add an internal status by clicking the New internal status button. The listed items can be Edited (
) or Deleted (
) and you can also perform
Other actions such as
Destroy or
Clone. After clicking the
icon in the header of the Actions column, a context menu is displayed, offering options for export of listed data to various types of files.
Please note that if you are using current site settings for internal statuses, the Copy from global button allows you to copy global internal statuses. However, doing so, your current site internal statuses will be lost (if defined). More details about how to configure global settings in your on-line store can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Configuring your store -> Multisite store.
More resources concerning products can be found in E-commerce Guide -> Managing your store -> Products.
Further information about internal statuses can be found in the Internal status topic in the Managing your store -> Products -> Product statuses section of this guide.